My birthday / Christmas present to myself

Working up at the mountain for the last month has been lots of hard work with some good fun mixed in. There are some quite good things about working up at the mountain like the amazing view, learning to snowboard for free and working with some really cool people from all over the world. Unfortuntaly the work itself, the long hours and the pay can't be added to this list! So when I found out that I was working every day from my birthday right through the Christmas period I decided, well I decided not to! As a present to myself. I don't like quitting anything and over the last year I have quit

Work Begins

Time for a little update. For the last three weeks I have been working at the Mount Washington Alpine Resort (ski resort) not too far from where I live in Comox. After two weeks of training the mountain opened a week early because of the early snowfall. Driving up to the mountain is like entering another world - starting at the base where there is no snow and as you go higher the snow starts and gets deeper and deeper. When you get off the bus at the top it couldn't be more different than the base of the mountain. This effect is enhanced by the fact that the sun is also rising as the bus takes

My Supermarket Boycott

This was originally going to be a response to a comment posted on a 2009 post of mine titled "Tesco Boycott". My response got a little out of hand however so I decided to make it a full post here. Hi Santoni, thank you for your detailed comment. I had nearly forgotten all about this post! Let me clarify my point a little - I don't think it is a bad thing to have a surplus of shops (in fact living in a city centre I expect it) but I do think is bad is to have a surplus of one shop. And to go even further in my opinion it is bad to have just one type of shop - supermarkets. I realise that Tesco

Running – How Far Can I Go?

At the moment - not very far! While I haven't mentioned running here much it has been a part of my life for the last few years. I started running consistently around January 2010 and in October 2010 entered the Cardiff Half Marathon setting a pretty good time of 1:43. Since then I haven't done much on the competition side but have continued to run 2-3 times a week, though I have seen little improvement in speed, technique or distance since then. Training for the half marathon was riddled with teething problems – notably problems with my calves. After lots of research I managed to find a

The practicalities of leaving the UK for Canada

This is a two parter (leaving and arriving) about the process of leaving the UK and entering Canada on the Iternational Experience Canada (working holiday) scheme. When I was applying, waiting and planning for my trip to Canada I had alot of questions. Some of these questions were harder to find answers for than others so I have been meaning to compile them into a post so that it may help others in a similar situation. Those of you who know me will know that I don't much like to plan out my trips in advance, apart from a little research into the main sights to wet my appetite. A big part of

Settling in

After running around for two months it is time for me to start settling in and getting used to living in Canada. I am now back on Vancouver Island living in Comox, a small sleepy town where everyone is friendly and things don't happen in a rush. It's time for me to start looking for work, whatever that may be because I am drawing a blank on what direction to take next. I seem to know a few things I don't want to do... but nothing that really garbs me, which is something I have felt for a while now. Work aside there is lots to do here, I have been keeping up my running and found a great set of