Goodbye UK… again!

When I arrived in Cardiff everyone commented on how healthy I looked and I felt it! Happy and content from my adventures I was pleased to be back in a familiar place with my friends and in particular Rosie. By the time I left I had lost alot of weight and looked like a ghost! I had very mixed feelings about moving on, due to being so ill it felt like I had not spend hardly any time with Rosie and my meetings with the friends I did manage to see did not feel like enough. I am really looking forward to continuing my adventures but being home for a while reminds me on what I am missing out on. Knowing Cardiff awaits me when I return both worries me (getting a job…. ‘real life’) and reassures me (once I am settled I think life in Cardiff could be OK for once!). So like I said mixed feelings – but onwards I go to the adventures that await! I arrived in Budapest very late but managed to find the hostel easily enough. It’s a really nice place and I was very surprised to be greeted at reception by an Irish guy – I REALLY wasn’t expecting that! Tomorrow I will take my first proper look at the city which I am very excited about.